Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Scarlet Letter

The Scoop

Mary Vivenzi
has been fighting since she lost her soul mate Kevin Noah in 2002 and G.W. SCHULZ of the San Francisco Bay Guardian was listening.
He has written a three page article entitled,
"Courting the absurd"
A bridge worker falls to his death -- and the contractor avoids all penalties on a bizarre technicality.

You have to read this article it shows just how many high profile, high capital companies get by with killing and maiming.

Companies who have the money have found a way around the system. I guess it is hard to loose when you have lawyers who helped develope OSHA laws and make generous donations to the judge. The question I would like to ask all those involved is... "How does it feel to know you have helped kill a man and are you willing to have another on your hands in the future?"

The Scarlet Letter Award goes to:

Shimmick Construction Company, Inc./Obayashi Corporation, Joint Venture
Robert D. Peterson
Judge Barbara Steinhardt-Carter


Mick said...

Tammy, the link is too general. It goes to the Guardian front page, not to a specific article. I can't find the one you referenced. Could you give us a link to the piece itself?

Tammy said...

the link is now fixed thanks for letting me know.

Below is a blog he posted also. and if you really want to go deep into the story check the contribution trail.

Two construction contractors that escaped Cal/OSHA fines aren’t new to business in San Francisco

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