Monday, November 12, 2007

Success For The Cooks

We were informed that MSHA has counted Chad Cook finally. Read what it took to gain justice, justice and rights for the Cook family. Celeste posted and article on The Pump Handle today titled Justice for Chad Cook: What Took MSHA So Long?

View the petition

United we stand! Divided We Fall!

What do you have to give?

  • How much time does it take to inform a few people?
  • How long does it take to stand up and be counted?
  • How much does it hurt to sponsor someone to help do what you can't or unable to?
Every one works, everyone has someone they love. How can you afford not giving a piece of yourself? An hr a month, sign a petition, call your congress men and women, start a safety program where you work, print flyer's and pass them out, stop the next time you see a trench being dug and ask them if they know the requirements, get involved with environmental issues, write letters to families so they know someone cares, just get involved.
There is a list of Bills to the left of the blog and If these don't appeal to you I have have a much bigger list call me (859-266-5646), write me (2837 Yellowstone PKWY) or email me

I can always find a way for you to get involved:

United we stand! Divided We Fall!

For all those who cared enough to help the Cooks you did what it took and I'm proud to know you all!

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