Thursday, June 05, 2008

CBS 60 Minutes

60 Minutes
(CBS) Sunday, June 8, 2008 (7:00pm)

COMBUSTIBLE DUST - Scott Pelley reports on the deaths and property damage caused by dust explosions at American factories, a problem critics say the government needs to do more to prevent. Joel Bach and David Gelber are the producers.

It looks like it may be the front liner however this really makes no difference to me. The Story Is Out! Lets see if this improves our chances when the bill hits the Senate!

60 Minutes preview on dust (includes video of Carolyn Merritt, Ed Foulke, Charmain George Miller)

A Special Thank You to Scott Pelly, David Gelber, Joel
Bach and Rachael Kun! They were and are absolutely wonderful!

1 comment:

amt said...

Regarding the show about organic foods/healthy eating. I would love
to use all organic local foods, but can't afford to. I am middle class plus,have no debts, that includes no mortagee or car payments but would not buy beef at $9.00 a pound when I can get regular beef at $3.00 a pound on sale at my local supermarket,or pay $2.75 for lettice when it's on sale for $.99. Trying to tell a family with children or older citizens on food stamps that they are making poor diet chooses and should be eating fresh local organic food is out of the question. This type shopping can be done only by those who have a large food burget and do not have to have a diet that has a basis of beans,pasta and rice,with chicken,"not organic" and frozen fish or hamberger if they are lucky.

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