Friday, June 05, 2009

States and the state of unemployment

All we here these days is bad news. I was passed this information and to be honest it is way to much info to cover if i want the information out in a timely manner so take a few moments to see where your state stands. Seems like soon it will be in line with workers compensation.

Fourteen states have either run out of money or had to borrow from Washington, DC in order to pay their unemployment insurance claims. Meanwhile, many workers are struggling to get by on what the system pays them. ProPublica’s Olga Pierce examines the state of unemployment insurance in America and explains how the unemployment insurance funding problems began (before the recession hit), the politics that left the funds dry, the ups and downs of the system and what states could consider as they manage their funds in the future.

Graphics that show the state of each state’s insurance system and which states ran out of money first are also included. American Public Media’s Marketplace aired a version of this story yesterday and another will air today.

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