Thursday, December 20, 2007

We Are Thinking of You!

The Pump Handle posted an article "Looking for caskets instead of holiday gifts" That's what some of the T2 Labs Families will be doing after and explosion that devastated not only workers and their families but also surrounding businesses and homeowners.

Celeste goes on to explain the many organizations that will investigate the incident and the whirl wind surrounding them. There is no one organization or group that informs the families and coworkers who will do investigations or how the processes work. This is where we have the need for a family liaisons office.

There needs to be someone who will guide the families, giving them their rights, directing them as to what should be expected from the investigations how they can be involved, how to request information, counseling options, workers Comp., attorneys and just be thee for them.

Our hearts go out to the families and our prayers are with you. God knows we know where you are and where you'll be. Don't let this devastating event devastate your family.

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